The toxic plants below do not comprise a complete listing. If you have concern about a plant that is not found on this list please contact a veterinarian for further information, or do not use the plant at all. The information provided here is about plants; however, there are other toxic dangers that birds are acutely sensitive to such as fumes from solvents and Teflon, for example. Learn about hazards that can affect the health of your bird.
There are 3 things that determine how toxic a plant is to a bird:
The plant itself
The amount of plant material the bird has ingested
The species of bird
For example, if a large bird like a cockatoo nibbles a few bites of philodendron he may experience a mild degree of toxicity. However, if a smaller bird (like a canary or budgie) were to nibble the same amount it could prove lethal. There are significant differences among species regarding their reaction and senstivity to various plants.
The most commonly observed sign of toxic plant ingestion is some form of gastric or intestinal upset, such as vomiting or diarrhea. The treatment for plant poisoning depends on the symptoms. If you suspect your bird has ingested toxic plant material call your veterinarian or a poison control center immediately.
Contact Information for ASPCA National Animal Control Center follows:
1-900-443-0000 ($55.00 charge per case). The charge is billed directly to the caller's phone.
1-888-4ANI-HELP or 1-888-426-4435 ($55.00 per case). The charge is billed to caller's credit card only.
There are many more toxic plants than safe ones. If you are concerned about your bird having access to the plants in your home it is best to choose those that are safe.
Toxic Plant List - A to I
A Acorn
Arium Australian Flametree
B Baneberry Beans (Castor, Horse,
Fava, Broad, Glory, Scarlet,
Runner, Precatory, Navy)
Birds of Paradise
Bishop's Weed
Black Laurel
Black Locust
Bleeding Heart
Blue Bonnet
Blue Green Algae
Bracken Fern
Bulb Flowers (Amaryllis, Iris,
Daffodil, Narcissus, Hyacinth)
C Calla Lilly
Camel Bush
Cardinal Flower
Castor Bean
Chalice (Trumpet Vine)
Cherry Tree
China Berry Tree
Christmas Candle
Christmas Cherry
Clematis (Virginia Bower)
Coffee (Senna)
Coffee Bean (Rattle Bush,
Rattlebox, Coffee Weed)
Coral Plant
Cutleaf Philodendron
D Daphne
Death Camus
Devil Ivy
Dutchman's Breech's
E Elderberry
Elephant Ear (Taro)
Eucalyptus (dried, dyed or treated
in floral arrangements)
Euonymus (Spindlestree)
F False Hellebore
Felt Plant (Maternity, Air, Panda)
Fire Thorn
Four O'Clock
Golden Chain Grass (Johnson,
Sorghum, Sudan, Broom Corn)
Ground Cherry
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