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The Sock Buddy
The "Sock Buddy System" turns any ordinary sock (preferably a solid, stretchy one) into a safe, non-restrictive, comfortable garment for any size pet bird or parrot, with NO SEWING!  The Sock Buddy protects your bird's chest, belly and back from plucking and will keep a severly plucked bird warmer.  The Sock Buddy is incredibly successful in providing protection and warmth for bird's that feather pick.  Please visit the Sock Buddy website for more detailed information.

Avian Welfare Resource Center
Avian Welfare Resource Center
The mission of this organization is to raise awareness about the plight of parrots and other captive birds and to serve as an educational resource for the humane community, lawmakers, and the general public.  In support of parrot adoption, AWR offers information to assist in re-homing birds into the loving, forever homes they deserve.
If you are looking for the best parrot behavior information on the planet, then look no further than Sally Blanchard and her Companion Parrot Quarterly magazine devoted to pet birds. Sally is also an accomplished artist that offers the most adorable and humorous sculptures, drawings, notecards and collectibles ... that frankly, are irresistable to any bird lover.  The Companion Parrot Quarterly ... an exciting and knowledgeable periodical that will educate and entertain you. The CPQ has gone online so receiving your issues will be fast and easy ... just a few clicks away!

MyToos is mandatory website to read if you think you want to buy a Cockatoo ... especially a Moluccan or Umbrella.  Be informed ... it's a MUST DO ... and then decide if you are the right person to care for a Cockatoo.

the oasis sanctuary logo
The Oasis Sanctuary is a life-care facility for captive Exotic birds .... parrots, cockatoos, macaws and other Psittacine birds.  And they also accept finches and canaries, doves and "fancy" or racing pigeons and other captive avian species. As a true sanctuary, The Oasis does not offer birds for adoption, however, they work with and refer birds requiring re-homing to bona fide adoption programs around the country.  The Oasis is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and relies entirely upon donations. 

Mollywood Parrot Rescue
Mollywood.  Learn about how Mollywood, a forever home sanctuary for pet birds.  Its a heartwarming story how a couple found their way to rescue work.  As with all rescue organizations, Mollywood could use your support ... find out how you can help.

Mickaboo Companion Bird Rescue
Small bird rescue organization located in the San Francisco Bay Area dedicated to rescuing parrot-type birds that have been either neglected, abused, sick, or injured. They rehabilitate as necessary and place them in safe, caring foster homes until a permanent home can be found.

Foster Parrots Ltd. Logo

FosterParrots is a rescue, adoption and sanctuary facility located in New England.  They are  501(c)(3) corporation that has been providing safe haven for abused and abandoned parrots since 1999.  In 2007 they established The New England Exotic Wildlife Sanctuary (NEEWS) on 15 acres of land in Hope Valley, Rhode Island. Please visit the FosterParrots website to learn more about the mission of this dedicated rescue organization. NEEWS is currently under development as a regional center for humane education and avian/exotics services offering educational outreach programs, student internships and adoptions.

Bird Lovers Network. Learn about the different species and what bird is right for you • Read about training techniques, behavioral issues and health related topics • Locate Bird Rescues, Clubs or Associations in your area • Find Retailers of unique bird products. 

Avian Health Network (AHN) is a grassroots, volunteer-run organization dedicated to supporting avian research into diseases such as Proventicular Dilatation Disease (PDD).  AHN is a 501(C)3 non-profit charitable corporation, headquartered and incorporated in the Commonwealth of Virginia.


Birding For Kids Resource Guide
Wonderful resource with tons of tips to help youngsters get started bird watching. Includes an enjoyable 6 minute video showing several species being fed bird seed placed on snow-covered ground.  Very enjoyable! (temporarily offline).  Do you love watching wild birds?  Perhaps you enjoy feeding birds in your backyard.  In either case, BirdHouseGarden offers great information and numerous resources that provide all you need to enjoy this fascinating family hobby.

Birdwatchin' Buzz Blog
Thoughts, experiences and fun stuff about enjoying one of nature's wonders ... our beautiful and interesting backyard birds.  Discover ways to enjoy this fascinating hobby.  Parrot stories and information are a part of Birdwatchin' Buzz.

Wild Parrots
Diary of a wild bird lover ... especially cockatoos of the Gang Gang and Greater Sulphur-crested variety ... from "down under" in Freemantle, Australia.

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Bird Cage Portal is a great online source for buying quality pet bird supplies, accessories, bird cages and so much more ... at the lowest prices.  It is also offers a guide to learning about good bird care and provides resources to insure the best life for your bird and the most enjoyment for you.


New information effective 10/4/19

It has been our pleasure to provide quality bird supplies since 2007.  Since inception we have offered major credit cards (VISA, MC, Discover, AMEX) as well as Paypal for the convenience of our customers.  Commencing October, 2019 we will no longer provide credit card payment services directly on our website.  Credit Card payment services will now only be available through Paypal.  The reason for this change is to reduce our business costs which directly impact the prices we can offer our customers which makes our commitment to continue providing low prices possible.  The good news is that by using Paypal to pay for your order, you are not limited to using funds in your Paypal account, but can also use your credit card.  The only requirement is to have a Paypal account ... and that is easy and free to do.  Just go to Paypal to open one.

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