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Pet Tapes CD Train Your Bird to Talk
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PET3154 - Pet Tapes CD - Train Your Bird to Talk

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Pet Tapes CD Train Your Bird to Talk provides 95 lessons to train your bird to speak words, phrases, whistle tunes, speak a foreign language (German, French, Italian, Thai, Chinese and Spanish) and sing.  Play the lessons separately or make your own combination of lessons.  This CD includes some speech and singing lessons recorded by a Parrot, plus a complete training and caring guide.

Train Your Bird to Talk CD uses digital technology to train your bird to talk.  Set your compact disc player to play the track (or lesson) you want, and then set your player for "repeat play".  The track will keep repeating with a short silence between each lesson to keep the attention of your bird.  Play for a half-hour a day.  For advanced talkig birds, combine tracks in any order to create your own lessons.  Unlimited combinations are possible.  On your compact disc player, use the "random track programming mode" and set repeat play.  Start with simple words, then create your own combinations.  It's that easy.

  • 1. Hello
  • 2. How are you
  • 3. Fine, thank you
  • 4. Pretty bird
  • 5. Who are you?
  • 6. Good morning
  • 7. See you later
  • 8. Bye bye
  • 9. Hi baby
  • 10. I love you
  • 11. Give me a kiss
  • 12. What's your name?
  • 13. I see you
  • 14. I'm a big bird
  • 15. Look who's talking
  • 16. Happy New Year
  • 17. Forget it
  • 18. What? Me worry?
  • 19. Be quiet
  • 20. My my my
  • 21. No money, no funny
  • 22. Oh dear
  • 23. You better believe it!
  • 24. I did it!
  • 25. Fantastic!
  • 26. Polly want a cracker
  • 27. Stop it!
  • 28. You're gonna get it!
  • 29. Peek a boo
  • 30. Baby,baby,baby
  • 31. Koo-che-koo-che-koo
  • 32. Boy do I love you
  • 33. What's up, Doc?
  • 34. Talk to me
  • 35. Away we go
  • 36. Watch it!
  • 37. Wow
  • 38. Cheers
  • 39. Bottoms up
  • 40. One more time
  • 41. It's ok
  • 42. You don't say
  • 43. Mmm good
  • 44. Delicious
  • 45. Yes, master
  • 46. Sit down
  • 47. Put ‘em up!
  • 48. Be my friend
  • 49. Snore
  • 50. Where have you been?
  • 51. Where are you going?
  • 52. Be good
  • 53. Here's...Birdie
  • 54. I am sleepy
  • 55. Feed me
  • 56. Make my day
  • 57. Excuse me
  • 58. Let me out of here
  • 59. Come on in
  • 60. Quiet please
  • 61. I'm talking
  • 62. Let's party
  • 63. Have a good one
  • 64. Come fly with me
  • 65. Hi handsome
  • 66. Hello Beautiful
  • 67. You're my type
  • 68. Oh boy
  • 69. Say you're sorry
  • 70. I didn't do it
  • 71. Hasta la vista, Baby
  • 72. I win, you lose
  • 73. Song: Rock a Bye Baby
  • 74. Song: Say Can You See
  • 75. Song: Peanut, Found a Peanut.
  • 76. Oy vey
  • 77. French: Je t'aime - love you
  • 78. Italian: Mama mia, quantoe buono - How good it is
  • 79. Italian: Ciao, Bella Bambina – Hello, Beautiful Baby
  • 80. Spanish: Tequiero mucho -I like you
  • 81. Spanish: Hasta manana - See you tomorrow
  • 82. German: - Ich liebe Dich - I Love You
  • 83. German: Guten Tag - Good Day
  • 84. German: Auf Wiedersehen - Goodbye
  • 85. Thiai: Sah wah dee kah - Hello
  • 86. Thai: My penrye - It's o.k.
  • 87. Chinese: Ni Hau Ma? - How are you?
  • 88. Whistle: Charge,Wolf
  • 89. Whistle: Racetrack call
  • 90. Parrot: I love you
  • 91. Parrot: Hello, ha ha
  • 92. Parrot: Hey Good Lookin’
  • 93. Parrot: Happy Bird Day
  • 94. Parrot: Whatcha doing?
  • 95. Parrot: I left my heart...
  • 96. "Bird Training Guide"

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It has been our pleasure to provide quality bird supplies since 2007.  Since inception we have offered major credit cards (VISA, MC, Discover, AMEX) as well as Paypal for the convenience of our customers.  Commencing October, 2019 we will no longer provide credit card payment services directly on our website.  Credit Card payment services will now only be available through Paypal.  The reason for this change is to reduce our business costs which directly impact the prices we can offer our customers which makes our commitment to continue providing low prices possible.  The good news is that by using Paypal to pay for your order, you are not limited to using funds in your Paypal account, but can also use your credit card.  The only requirement is to have a Paypal account ... and that is easy and free to do.  Just go to Paypal to open one.

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