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Feathered Phonics CD Vol 2 Songs and Rhymes to teach birds
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FP156 - Feathered Phonics CD - Vol 2 Songs & Rhymes

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Feathered Phonics CD Volume 2 offers 95 songs and rhymes to teach your bird:
  • 1 .Feathered Phonics worked for me
  • 2 .ABC Song (full version)
  • 3 .ABC Song (short version)
  • 4 .All around the Mulberry Bush
  • 5 .All around the Mulberry Bush (whistle)
  • 6 .Amazing Grace
  • 7 .America, (Patriotic)
  • 8 .B.I.N.G.O
  • 9 .Baa Baa Black Sheep
  • 10 .Baa Baa Black Sheep (whistle)
  • 11 .Baby Face
  • 12 .Ci Ci oh Playmate
  • 13 .Charge (whistle)
  • 14 .Dashing through the Snow
  • 15 .Dashing through the Snow (whistle)
  • 16 .Feed Me, Feed Me, Pizza
  • 17 .For he's a jolly good fellow
  • 18 .For he's a jolly good fellow (whistle)
  • 19 .Georgie Porgie
  • 20 .Good Bye
  • 21 .Happy Birthday (short)
  • 22 .Happy Birthday (long)
  • 23 .Happy Birthday (whistle)
  • 24 .Hello
  • 25 .Here comes Santa Clause
  • 26 .Here we go round the Mulberry Bush (long)
  • 27 .Here we go round the Mulberry Bush (short)
  • 28 .Hey diddle diddle
  • 29 .Hickory Dickory Dock
  • 30 .Home on the Range
  • 31 .How much is that doggy in the window
  • 32 .How much is that doggy in the window (whistle)
  • 33 .Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
  • 34 .Hush little baby don't say a word
  • 35 .I left my heart in Sanfrancisco
  • 36 .I Love you
  • 37 .I'm a little teapot short and stout
  • 38 .I'm a little teapot short and stout (whistle)
  • 39 .Jack be nimble Jack be quick
  • 40 .Jingle Bells
  • 41 .Jingle Bells (whistle)
  • 42 .Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep
  • 43 .Little Jack Horner
  • 44 .Little Miss Muffet
  • 45 .London Bridges falling down
  • 46 .London Bridges falling down (whistle)
  • 47 .Mary had a little Lamb
  • 48 .Meow Song
  • 49 .Meow, Meow, Meow
  • 50 .Mr. Sandman
  • 51 .Mr. Sandman (whistle)
  • 52 .Not a creature was stirring
  • 53 .Oh Beautiful for Spacious Skies
  • 54 .Oh Beautiful for Spacious Skies (whistle)
  • 55 .Oh Canada
  • 56 .Oh Canada (whistle)
  • 57 .Oh Say can you see
  • 58 .Oh Say can you see (whistle)
  • 59 .Oh where has my little dog gone
  • 60 .Old McDonald had a farm (long)
  • 61 .Old McDonald had a farm (short)
  • 62 .Old McDonald had a farm (whistle)
  • 63 .Once upon a time in a far away land
  • 64 .One little two little three little Indians
  • 65 .One little two little three little Indians (whistle)
  • 66 .One two, buckle my shoe (long)
  • 67 .One two, buckle my shoe (short)
  • 68 .One, two, three strikes your out
  • 69 .Pat a cake, pat a cake
  • 70 .Peas pourage hot, peas pourage cold
  • 71 .Rain, rain go away
  • 72 .Ring around the Rosie's (long)
  • 73 .Ring around the Rosie's 9short)
  • 74 .Romeo, Romeo
  • 75 .Row Row Row your boat (long)
  • 76 .Row Row Row your boat (short)
  • 77 .She'll be coming around the mountain
  • 78 .She'll be coming around the mountain (whistle)
  • 79 .Skip to m'lou
  • 80 .Take me out to the Ballgame
  • 81 .Tequila (whistle)
  • 82 .This is the song that never ends
  • 83 .This little Piggy went to market
  • 84 .This old Man (long)
  • 85 .This old Man (short)
  • 86 .Three Blind Mice
  • 87 .To be or not to be
  • 88 .To market to market
  • 89 .Twinkle Twinkle little star
  • 90 .Twinkle Twinkle little star (whistle)
  • 91 .Two Four Six Eight
  • 92 .Wolf Whistle
  • 93 .Yankee Doodle went to town (whistle)
  • 94 .Yankee Doodle went to town (whistle slower)
  • 95 .99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall
  • 96 .99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall (Whistle)
  • 97 .One minute Spacing track
  • 98 .Five minute Spacing track
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Bird Cage Portal is a great online source for buying quality pet bird supplies, accessories, bird cages and so much more ... at the lowest prices.  It is also offers a guide to learning about good bird care and provides resources to insure the best life for your bird and the most enjoyment for you.


New information effective 10/4/19

It has been our pleasure to provide quality bird supplies since 2007.  Since inception we have offered major credit cards (VISA, MC, Discover, AMEX) as well as Paypal for the convenience of our customers.  Commencing October, 2019 we will no longer provide credit card payment services directly on our website.  Credit Card payment services will now only be available through Paypal.  The reason for this change is to reduce our business costs which directly impact the prices we can offer our customers which makes our commitment to continue providing low prices possible.  The good news is that by using Paypal to pay for your order, you are not limited to using funds in your Paypal account, but can also use your credit card.  The only requirement is to have a Paypal account ... and that is easy and free to do.  Just go to Paypal to open one.

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