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Control Natural Aviary and Cage Bug Spray is the all natural way to control pests in any aviary or cage (see cage info below). It contains natural botanical extracts for the control and elimination of insects including but not limited to: Ants, Fleas, Spiders, Crickets, Roaches, Wasps, Silverfish, Gnats, Small Flying Moths, Lice, Grain Mites, House Flies and Mosquito's. Control Natural Aviary and Cage Bug Spray is a micro emulsion water base spray and has residual properties for up to one week.

Furthermore, the Control compounds are completely non-toxic.  The formula is designed to have insects carry the compounds back to their nests where it is most effective.  So it won't kill insects instantly when sprayed directly on them like RAID or other harsh, chemical-based insecticides.  Control is formulated to have what is called a "residual expiration" of one week ... meaning, in most cases, Control lasts a week before it needs to be sprayed again.  It is,  however, safe to use every day depending on the severity of your bug infestation.  It can be sprayed arounds cages and stands, but do not get any residual spray mist in your bird's eyes.  It is recommended to remove your bird from it's cage if you intend to spray the bottom of the cage area.  Many users spray thresholds leading outside, around baseboards, etc.  That is, anywhere bugs may crawl in.  Control is safe to use indoors or outside.

Control Aviary & Cage Bug Spray
HOW TO ORDER: Select from the list below and add the number in the Qty box (i.e. 1, 2, etc.)
Control Aviary & Cage Bug Spray - Quart
Control Aviary & Cage Bug Spray - Gallon
Control Aviary & Cage Bug Spray - Quart (case of 12)
Control Aviary & Cage Bug Spray - Gallon (case of 4)
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Pet Bird & Parrot Supplies - Bird Cages plus everything else Your Bird Needs to Succeed - Basic Bird Care Information

Bird Cage Portal
Based in Sunny Southern California
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Bird Cage Portal is a great online source for buying quality pet bird supplies, accessories, bird cages and so much more ... at the lowest prices.  It is also offers a guide to learning about good bird care and provides resources to insure the best life for your bird and the most enjoyment for you.


New information effective 10/4/19

It has been our pleasure to provide quality bird supplies since 2007.  Since inception we have offered major credit cards (VISA, MC, Discover, AMEX) as well as Paypal for the convenience of our customers.  Commencing October, 2019 we will no longer provide credit card payment services directly on our website.  Credit Card payment services will now only be available through Paypal.  The reason for this change is to reduce our business costs which directly impact the prices we can offer our customers which makes our commitment to continue providing low prices possible.  The good news is that by using Paypal to pay for your order, you are not limited to using funds in your Paypal account, but can also use your credit card.  The only requirement is to have a Paypal account ... and that is easy and free to do.  Just go to Paypal to open one.

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